Thing 1: Getting Started

Post number 1 for my Cool Tools class.  I confess to a few butterflies!😊(In exploring the blogger emojis I did not find a butterfly....🐞)

My name is Peggy O’Connor and I am an education "shifter."  After working as an elementary teacher for over 15 years (with a gap of 8 years staying home with my son Simon, I went back to school and finished getting my library degree this summer.  I am currently working in the East Greenbush school district (outside of Albany) in an elementary school library three days a week and high school library two days a week.  This change in my career has reinvigorated my love for teaching. One of the main reasons for my shift was the feeling that teachers need more support in the classroom and I felt that the library was the perfect spot to provide it.

I have always enjoyed discovering new tech and introducing it to my students and finding effective ways to use it in the classroom, but in current times find the amount of tech a bit overwhelming.  Finding tech that is usable in a classroom is sometimes tricky so I am excited to take this class to learn more. I am also hoping that I can introduce any new tech to my teachers so that they will be able to use as well.

I am excited to get started and really liked the intro piece that said we are not using tech tools just because they are the newest and latest but because they enhance our teaching and are beneficial to our students-that is exactly what I was hoping to find.


  1. Welcome to the workshop and to the world of libraries. You are so right, as a librarian you have such an important opportunity to collaborate and support all educators.


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